Welcome to our silent auction! Click the link here to view and bid on brilliant items which have been generously donated by local businesses – everything from afternoon tea to a Cheltenham Town FC shirt.
We’ve got tickets for days out at local favourites such as Batsford Arboretum; vouchers for popular shops such as Vinegar Hill and The Entertainer; and treats such as manicures, a house clean and a photoshoot. Happy bidding and good luck!
Thank you to our sponsors
A big thank you to all of our sponsors who have donated prizes for this event:
Batsford Arboretum www.batsarb.co.uk
Cheltenham Town FC www.ctfc.com
Cotswold Wildlife Park www.cotswoldwildlifepark.co.uk
East Glos Tennis Club www.eastglos.co.uk
Eat Sleep Axe www.eatsleepaxe.com
Emporium Gift Shop www.emporiumgiftshop.co.uk
Experience Days www.experiencedays.co.uk
Finishing Touches www.finishingtouchesbeauty.co.uk
Franco Manca www.francomanca.co.uk
Jojo Maman Bebe www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk
Kick-A-Bout www.kick-a-bout.com
Kind Hands, Warm Hearts www.kindhandswarmheart.com
Memsahib Gin and Tea Bar www.memsahibginandteabar.com
Montpellier Maids www.montpelliermaids.com
Mouse About Town www.mouseabouttown.co.uk
Sandford Parks Lido www.sandfordparkslido.org.uk/
Slimbridge www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/slimbridge/
The Entertainer www.thetoyshop.com/store/Cheltenham
The Five Alls www.thefivealls.co.uk
Two Front Teeth www.twofrontteeth.co.uk
Vinegar Hill www.vinegarhill.co.uk
Wildflower Illustration Co www.wildflowerillustrationco.com